Thank you for your interest in the University of Virginia School of Law’s Pro Bono Program.
*** The University of Virginia School of Law is unable to provide legal services to members of the general public. Law students may not offer legal advice unless they are working under the direct supervision of a licensed attorney. The Pro Bono Program does not have supervising attorneys on staff. For more information, please go here. ***
If you are a licensed attorney or law school faculty member and would like law student assistance with a pro bono project, please select the appropriate form below and complete all requested information. All student volunteers MUST be supervised by a licensed attorney or law school faculty member. Pro bono work should be on behalf of indigent clients and/or under-represented causes or organizations and necessitate the use of legal skills. Pro bono volunteers may not be financially compensated nor receive academic credit for their work.
At the conclusion of the project you will be asked to complete a supervisor evaluation and sign the student’s pro bono work log, verifying his/her hours.
For more information on our program and for suggestions on how to foster a positive and productive volunteer experience, please see our Information for Project Supervisors.